• News
  • Jan 01 1970
  • WVGA
HK-youtuber HK-youtuber

普丁開始清算,多名瓦格納高層被逮捕,烏軍利用車輪戰,再度拿下定居點,下一步河谷高地,並出動9個北約旅,美國計劃援助ATACMS陸軍戰術彈道導彈,就等拜登點頭 | 俄烏 | 軍事 |

隨著普利格金服軟這場讓俄羅斯措手不及的內亂,算是塵埃落定了。對於這次突如其來的兵變,如果這次兵變成功受影響的不單單是俄羅斯就連白俄也將受到兵變波及,因為在瓦格納兵變期間白俄反對派同樣蠢蠢欲動有意發動叛亂。 With Pliggold softening the civil strife that caught Russia off guard, the dust has settled. For this sudden mutiny, if the mutiny is successful, not only Russia but also Belarus will be affected by the mutiny, because the Belarusian opposition was also ready to move and deliberately launch a rebellion during the Wagner mutiny.

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